The Satoshi Card 1/80

NFT Collectable Ticket

Artist’s Notes:

Hold this creation card knowing the Moon is just a stop off on the way to the stars. Ace is high in the expanding Universe.

Original Resolution:

Collection: Diamond Hand 2021

NFT Ticket Total: 2,100

Party Access: $250,000 BTC

Ace of Diamonds

The Satoshi Card

This very rare NFT artwork “The Ace of Diamonds” breaks with the other cards as it teases the viewer's perception and perspective. Two parallel universes,  one spinning eternally inside the other, creates a version of the Droste effect. This nebula pulses like a heart as the viewer becomes sucked into a space within a space.

The aptly named Satoshi Card is both emotive and allegorical as it invites the viewer to gaze into untold legends and infinite and incomprehensible futures. The card has now become a window beyond the nebula into the pulsing, expanding universe, the eclipse reduced to a small reflection in the visor. 

The card is lit by a ring of light that illuminates the faceless mask of the explorer, a futuristic nod at the journey of humanity to take on the final frontier. Space travel becomes a metaphor for the challenging journey of Bitcoin adoption, the incomprehensible science of a new technology and the drive of belief against the odds. Astronauts have become an iconic symbol within Crypto art and linked to Bitcoin’s  anonymous creator Satoshi Nakamoto and the hope Bitcoin will rise to the moon and beyond. 

The classical imagery of legend in the Face Cards has been replaced by more futuristic tropes. The only hint of antiquity are the meteorites, that, on closer inspection reveal themselves to be the ruins of some ancient civilisation, a metaphor for the ruins of financial institutions superseded by a new way.

 But central to the ace is the ring of luminous gas that orbits the helmet. The circle, or ring is one of the most ancient symbols representing  the infinite cycle of death and rebirth, wholeness and original perfection. Could there be a better symbol for Bitcoin and the blockchain? 

This is Satoshi’s future, where his iconography is legendary. His code is the beating heart of the Bitcoin universe, he is the embodiment of mystery and the force of selfless empowerment that old systems now orbit. The past has built the future and the future is Bitcoin.

Delyth Smith BA - Art Historian

Secret Symbolism - A Guide to the Diamond Hand Collection

By our Art Historian - Delyth Smith BA

Playing cards were perfect inspiration for our NFT collectibles.Traditionally the card  suits represented the battle of opposing forces and 13 lunar months, this reflects Bitcoin’s battle for acceptance in the financial world and the lunar iconography frequenting Crypto Art. 

Our choice of Diamonds gives a nod of respect to the ‘diamond hands’ of the Hodler; the strength to hang on with unshakable belief. Diamonds also reflect the clarity of the blockchain itself, built to be transparent and democratise not centralise and obscure. 

Our Diamond suit though, is solid gold not red, minted on the blockchain for eternal value, scarcity, proof of ownership and authenticity. They become a new gold and a new store of value like Bitcoin itself.

Diamonds were fittingly the traditional suit of merchants and commerce, they are also the fire suit, hinting at the burning passion of Bitcoiners. Fire is also symbolic of death and rebirth, like the phoenix rising from the ashes, so Bitcoin rose from the ashes of the 2007 crash, creating a new financial system. Diamonds are also associated with the Fall, reflecting the autumn of Fiat Currency.

All the cards spin in space, where the sun is eclipsed fully by the moon, these are common tropes of Crypto art. The characters all emerge from a nebula, the gas clouds that form stars, echoing the inception of the blockchain and the birth of Bitcoin. 

The use of characters and symbolism from ancient myths and legends is inspired by the Renaissance, another era of great change and innovation in art and culture. From one great civilisation invariably another springs anew.